Monday 29 August 2016


It is important to evaluate and understand the benefits of the information system of hospital management (HMI) and pit them against the needs of your hospital, when trying to understand why you need a HMI implemented in your hospital.

Here we list some of the unique advantages of HMI and impact of hospital processes. Pit them against your needs and see if they fit:

1. Easy access to patient data
HMI A well-implemented means patient data readily available to care providers. It's just a matter of a few clicks and all the necessary information on a patient, the different departments in the hospital, may be available on the screen. If the treating physician should re-check the test reports of a patient, it needs not to look for the IPD file of the patient floor; accessing the HMI will give you instant access to these reports and timely treatment decisions ensue. If the HMI is implemented, your doctor will be able to access reports remotely improving productivity.

2. Cost Effective
HMI cuts out a lot of manual work that are performed in hospitals primarily documentation and record keeping. The level of human intervention is very low with a well implemented HMI. It helps to reduce labor costs down because a lot of work gets automated and requires manual intervention to store or analyze information. HMI also saves a lot on the deposit and related costs. HMI well implemented make it virtually a free hospital card. (Only the legally required documents must be kept on paper to adhere to the rules).

3. Loss of revenue of thorns
Because the processes are automated on the HMI and a lot of activities are assigned to the software must be executed with extreme precision, with minimal human intervention, the scope of the error is drastically reduced. For example, while a patient IDP used for billing consumables, with her the bill can hardly go wrong because the consumables used immediately concluded the nurse the patient's terminal ID. For the consumable rate unit is already stored in the software as part of the standard operating procedure automation; simply by selecting the name of binding and the amount will allow the software to accurately calculate the amount due.

4. Increased security data & recover-ability
Record keeping in hospitals is a mandatory poison with two challenges: keeping your data secure with only authorized to gain access to it and retrieve it within the minimum time possible. Add to these perennial problems such as lack of space, protection from natural elements and protection from the damage of pests etc.

When HMI is implemented in a hospital, all data is stored on the server or in the Cloud. Because HMI works on access, data security is not a problem, provided that the staff keep the secret and secure password. Logins occur only when connected to the login, which has the rights of access, anyone will be able to access the data, ensuring data security. Recover-capacity data stored on a server or Cloud is just a matter of few clicks.

5. Improving operational efficiency
Improving access to patient data and better work efficiency means faster and better clinical decisions. In this age of evidence-based medicine, the faster the clinician obtains the diagnostic reports and the faster his orders are implemented patient recovery is faster and better for the care of the index patient. With Automation, all departments in hospitals are connected to each other and fast information access further improves the quality of patient care and the resulting turnover in the hospital bed.

6. Responsibility

HMI comes with the logins. The accesses are as individual blocks of which the key is alphanumeric with special characters. Every employee needs to work on HMI is given individual access with access controls. Each activity takes place through only access. HMI gives the kind of responsibility that manual processes can never give. With an audit trail, HMI allows any business to go back to the employee who performed.

Wednesday 17 August 2016


Cracking the code to access and save the heart of medical care Medical records are arguably the lifelines of medical attention right away. Not enough for them to treat the patient properly and follow-up well, but also to ensure that documented and have a record.

These are not only a requirement of the process of paperwork; They are also legal documents and have come a long way, from being mere bundles of files in an important requirement medico legal environment.

Change the stature of patient records in the system has led to many strategies developed to ensure the monitoring and maintenance of patient records of old and new patients effectively.

Here we list for you some foolproof and effective ways to do the same to your clinic.

1. Unique clinic ID (UCID)

UCID is a numeric or alphanumeric unique code generated by the clinic management software for each new patient at the clinic. The software can be customized to generate such an ID ensuring every patient's records going forward is stored under this ID. Being a unique code, that this is not assigned to any other patient ever and this code becomes equivalent to a patient's personal locker in the software. To access records of any patient at any time regardless of how old or new patient is, all you need is the UCID rights and access and login and behold, all relevant information will be displayed on the screen.

2. Carefully integrate and completely

While the clinical management software can be customized to create a UCID for each new patient, old patient records must be integrated into the system during the software implementation. This is the reason why integration is an important factor to consider when purchasing software for the clinical management because it can not, in any way, afford to lose the medical record of your old patients. They need to be manually or otherwise digitized and saved on the server, to be read in exactly the same way as new ones.

3. Records only through EMR

Stop the physical recording option of patient records to your clinic. Registration in the software into use the EMR module of the software and with only one size of available patient records, patient monitoring, and maintenance is easy. Whether to keep doctors and EMR records manually run both parallel to each other to your clinic, patient records can not be maintained effectively and monitor or access will never be easy or complete.

4. Patient records on Cloud is better

In the battle between the servers in-house vs. cloud-based server as far as clinical and their access is concerned that cloud-based servers will win hands down. The in-house server may be down for maintenance or due to some technical problem and in the down-time, no patient records can be read or recorded; while on cloud-based servers, continuity in the detection and maintain patient records is a key feature. Using cloud-based server is a better option to effectively track and maintain patient records.

While there are many other ways to effectively manage and track patient records of old and new patients to your clinic, these 4 strategies addressing the most relevant issues - maintenance and easy access to patient records.


Hospital Information System (HIS) is critical to automate hospital processes and improve operational efficiently. However, his is also a great investment, not only in terms of money but also in terms of change that will bring in your hospital. Its implementation requires unlearning and relearning of the methods through which many processes are executed Hospital.
Here we list down 5 important points that should be considered in your decision to buy or not-to-

1. Is it is customizable?

It must be very clear on what features you want in your mandatory software and what you are flexible to have (I would). Based on the check list as I want software customization that are considering require and you can? The operations suggest many automatic functions in your HIS team to cancel manual processes, but it is necessary to analyze how important having these characteristics are. So you need to check if these features are a built-in part of the software or need to be customized. And the most important thing is these customizable features and work efficiently?

2. Is it’s scalable?

His is a long term investment, so you must ensure that the software scale as it grows the hospital. Compare the quotient of the software scalability, if able to adapt to the expected growth of the company and manage the operations and the resulting data smoothly. The software should be able to handle the load of further processes and data that will be generated because of the increased work.

3. Can the new her being integrated with the current system?

In the case of an existing and currently functioning hospital processes I am already in existence. The processes may run in a semi-manual system, semi-automatic. Data loss is not a positive event in a functional process. Evaluate whether the transition from the current system to the new software will be smooth without loss of data?

4. What are the data security provisions?

Hospitals generate huge amounts of data which are confidential. These data must be stored for certain duration of time (according to the law of the earth) and should be read from time to time for clinical decisions. The HIS should be assessed in terms ilcui security and backup. How will retrieve and edit or delete data if you want? It is how easy or not so easy? Such as access to data will be restricted? And how can it be easily recovered if needed?

5. Trainable as is her that is being considered?

Functional hospital or a new one, its implementation requires extensive training. It implements its own to achieve certain positive results at the end of operations; the ultimate success of HIS will depend on how comfortable is the end user with the software. Evaluate how different is the new software from the current system? What is the level of difficulty for end users in your hospital? How long will it take for the end user can easily be trained in the new software? These are important points to consider before finalizing you’re HIS.

Tuesday 16 August 2016


As practice physicians, it may be aware that medical errors are extremely common in hospitals and clinical practices. These errors may occur when writing prescriptions or due to involuntary and inaccurate medical decisions, ultimately, harm patients.

A few years ago, India's Supreme Court has ruled against a large hospital, passing a verdict with the maximum penalty up to date on them. One of the points that have been taken against the hospital was a prescription error caused by the attending physician. The manager responsible for the hospital management for error, basically communicate what does a doctor to the patient in the hospital premises is the responsibility of the hospital. The point of bringing this incident is basically to bring to light a couple of important points:

Prescription errors can be extremely harmful to patients and hospital. The management of a hospital is also liable if it happens in their local errors in the determination of the dose, transcription failure, poor handwriting and misinterpretation are common sources of prescribing errors, and occur more commonly than you think.

Here are four changes of job you can do immediately to contain prescription errors immediately.

1. Drug allergies and reactions are in the pre-assessment
Pre-evaluation is the first step documented interaction between a doctor and a patient. Ensure that both evaluation sheets OPD as well as sheets of IPD pre-assessment have a section on drug allergies and reactions.
Make an SOP mandatory that residents should obtain this information from caregivers and patients and ensure that it is recorded in the medical record patients ‘electronic.

2. Include medication sheet as a record of IPD
Evaluate your record sheets of IPD and include sheet medication as a mandatory part of IPD records. A medication sheet is a record dedicated to drugs - prescription, administration, monitoring and documentation. Make sure the medication sheet has a prominent field to mention reactions and drug allergies, and make it mandatory to fill this information. The sheet must contain the name of the drug, dose, frequency, special instructions, confirmation of drug administration and reactions to medications.
However, by using an electronic information management system can completely eliminate the possibility of an error at this stage. A central registry for drugs on hospital or practice management system will give your doctor a complete picture of the drug history including the current medication and allergies or reactions. This will help the doctor to provide some prescription drug interactions and possible error can be prevented.

3. Maintain a current list of high-risk drug
Get a list of high-risk drugs made by your Committee of Pharmaco-theraphatic and make sure it is updated from time to time. Make this list available to all doctors and all the nursing stations. Also ensure that this information is easily accessible in practice management system.
Physicians can consult this list in case of any doubt about the risky nature of any medication and possible reactions or interactions which will have within the body. Until the list is developed, made your doctors use to counter check any medication that are doubtful prescription.

4. Keep track of medication errors
Make medication errors, on a monthly basis, mandatory survey. When management begins to take serious medication errors and investigating them, the automatically prescribing errors will start coming. Clinical audit requirements in the area will also help. Emphasize the importance of clinical audit in the area of ​​prescriptions between doctors.

By using the electronic medical record and automate your practice with an intelligent information management solution will not only make your operations more efficient, they also reduce prescription errors related and other human errors dramatically.

Saturday 6 August 2016


The hospital information system (HIS) comes with a lot of advantages, but of course all this comes at a cost. The cost of the space, the cost of the technology and the cost of implementation; how about cuts some costs where you can?

Opting for Cloud-based vs. its internal server is an option that has many benefits and is a little 'intelligent choice automating hospital processes. Let's take a peek in the most obvious advantages of having your hospital information system on Cloud and what makes it one of the smart business decisions that you will ever make:

1. Cost Effective
The most obvious reason why cloud-based hospital information system is a smart business choice. As the servers are off-site, it does not require any hardware installation and the resulting licenses, cost of maintenance and software updates that will keep happening all my life for the software can be cut off immediately. The cost of hardware is removed from the equation too. Conveniently based on Cloud is it unique monthly utility expenses.

2. Data Security
A major concern in a hospital information system is the patient data security are generated on a daily basis and stored on the servers. Based on its cloud covers this almost perfectly. The data is stored in its encrypted form, ensuring cloud-based security. Encryption has high safety levels and with virtually no downtime of servers compared to on-site server, its Cloud-based relieves the user of possible safety problems compliant standard data operations and issues that do not derive from the server is down.

3. Accessibility
In this age of evidence-based medicine, the accessibility of data is of paramount importance with regard to effective patient care. Based on its cloud it makes it much easier for data to be accessed from anywhere, any device. Since this is a wireless technology, it requires to be accessible by any particular terminal within the hospital; the data are accessible via the correct access accounts through tablets, PCs and laptops located anywhere giving a work from home or clinic option for clinicians and speeding up the process of clinical decisions that lead to quality patient care.

4. Reduced requirements
A Cloud-based means that its servers are off-site and all costs associated with computer hardware installation and maintenance associated is nullified. The easy accessibility associated with its Cloud based not only makes it easy to access data, which also means that it is easier to add users, units, departments, services, etc. in the master log. This means you do not have to hunt in-house IT team, and anyone with the login with administrator rights can do so easily. This also effectively Save on extra labor costs spent on maintaining a great team to maintain the server, add / edit the master records etc.

5. Staggered investments
Based on its cloud it gives the hospital management the possibility of not having to buy a large server at the onset and blocking capital. It takes away the risk of successfully projecting the growth of the company and the purchase of a server that will be able to handle the data and the loading of that growth. Based on cloud its means the server space can be hired as and when growth occurs. There is no commitment and no blocked investment. Investing in the server space should only happen when the need arises and that too only as an amount added in the form of monthly utility payments.

Cloud based its secure, scalable and cost makes the smart decision for automation of your hospital.