Tuesday 13 September 2016


The decision to automate hospital processes and implement a hospital information system (HIS) is a larger one. Not only because of the cost involved but also because it's going to be a change of culture irreversible. Contemplating whether you really need an automated hospital information system implemented in your hospital, take a look at these 5 improvements that it’s invariably leads to:

1. Accelerate processes & results
Draw up its own means strictly following the standard operating procedures and there is no deviation from it. This also means better patient care with access to real-time patient information and clinical data that provides the best results past patients. The overall speed of an integrated process increases and improves operational efficiency affecting the hospital positively in multiple ways.

2. Cost Effective
ITS cuts out a lot of manual work that are performed in hospitals especially those that require documentation and record keeping. It helps to its breaking down in the costs of labor, because most of the work gets automated and does not require manual interventions to store or analyze the information. It also helps to save on storage and related costs. A well implemented makes her a free hospital card. Only the legally required documents must be kept on paper to respect the rules.

3. Errors lowered
Because the processes are automated on her and a lot of tasks assigned to the software to run with the highest accuracy and with minimal human intervention, the scope of the error is significantly reduced. For example, generating the final bill a patient IPD, in his hospital implemented every test performed on samples has already invoiced the entire IPD file under only one hospital patient ID and the executive billing does not need to enter each comb test to avoid the loss of income during the billing. Likely to miss a service or double registrations are higher in manual entries. Billing to an HIS is faster, simpler, more transparent and precise.

4. Best data recovery-ability
In the era of evidence-based medicine, the availability of data and the ability to recover is extremely important. Recover-capacity data stored on a HIS or Cloud Server is easy and only a matter of a few clicks to make sure they have access to clinical data, operational or financial hospital.

5. Improving operational efficiency
Improving access to patient data and better work efficiency means faster and better clinical decisions. The faster the clinician obtains the diagnostic reports and the faster his orders are implemented the faster recovery of the patient, the better for the patient's care index. With Automation, all departments in hospitals are integrated and connected to each other and the easy access to information to further improve the quality of patient care and the resulting hospital bed turnover.

Among the many reasons that validate the need of her in a hospital, we found these five as more structural reasons why directors / COOs and CEO decides in favor of its implementation. Above all, his hospital helps provides better patient care because of the clean data availability, error free that can make the difference in an emergency medical situation.

Sunday 11 September 2016


A big part of being successful is to stay successful and improve various business metrics. If you manage a string of clinics spread across geographies, the big challenge is how to manage all of them effectively offering a consistent quality of experience and care for your patients. For entrepreneurs losing sleep over tracking multiple centers, the answer can be as simple as effective automation for better control.

Here are 5 simple tips to effectively manage your multi-center clinics:

1. Automate and Put It on the Cloud
Automate all your centers with a single Clinic Management System. It is important that the processes at your different centers’ are able to communicate with each other and therefore you should use one solution to integrate it. Data access is of paramount importance to reach decisions, analyze trends and compare performances. Using a cloud-based server at all your centers will allow you the flexibility to track all your data anywhere, anytime to have better control on the operations.

2. Institute Central Teams
Departments like HR, Accounts, Business Development or Materials form a very small chunk of the entire manpower but are in effect a critical part of the system for the simple fact that they involve money. To manage multiple centers it is better to have a central team of these departments from the head office to manage these functions at different centers. The centers can have a smaller team that will only implement the instructions from the central team. Central hiring or central purchase will help you stay cost effective and offer you better control.

3. Common Reporting Format
For effective management and overview of the performance of various centers, it is important that you receive regular reports from all the centers. Use reporting templates from the software to get all the data you need to measure and do course correction. Or just use a Business Intelligence Solution layer on your existing software to get real time data that indicates center level performance on various metrics – Revenue, expense, inventory or another metric that matters to you.

4. Specialty Exchange Programs
Promote knowledge sharing actively. Some of your centers will have talented people with skills that other centers desperately need. Running a Specialty Exchange Program between centers will allow exchange and enhancement of knowledge. This knowledge exchange will also avoid monotony from setting in and will help build a good work culture, which will go a long way in effective business management.

5. Encourage Interaction on a Common Digital Platform
Employees of all the centers should feel like they are a part of the organization irrespective of their location to promote great work culture. A common digital platform like a module on the clinic management system or an app can be very effective in increasing communication between employees and building a great workplace. The platform can be used as a space to talk about performances of different units, market trends, medical or customer care practices that your chain of clinics can adopt and interaction with the top management.

While there are hundreds of tips to manage your chain of clinics effectively, these 5 are not just effective but simple and long term. It will involve some effort from you but rest assured that it will be worth your time and energy.

Friday 9 September 2016


Good patient flow is the key to a clinic profitable is a fact that everyone in the business knows. Besides the great patient care and positive word of mouth, you need to follow the basic principles of marketing and strategies to raise awareness about your clinic. However, there are other things you could do to help your patient walk-ins going.

Let us take a different approach. Here we give you 5 tips, which aim to increase the profitability of your clinic, but not the common way. Keep reading:

1. Customer satisfaction is not just for ecommerce sites
The patient is without doubt the most important person walk into your home and needs to be taken utmost care. Care that goes beyond medical care you would expect. His impressions about you and your practice begin with the reception. Make sure the patient does not feel the wait and offer a comfortable experience for her. Keep Hall clinic supplied with drinking water system, readings, television and relaxing. This coupled with friendly behavior, empathetic and helpful staff and good medical skills exhibited by you will experience the patient recommended that the patient voluntarily share with friends and family.

2. Use for planning
Pending a clinic is the most annoying experience for a patient, and more so for assistants accompanying them. The best way to delight a patient is reducing the waiting time at your clinic.

Poor scheduling appointments mean not only those patients will not-so-pleasant experience, but also you can lose on the number of patients who could have been housed in the day. And not to mention potential patients that is lost on feedback 'highest waiting time' will give your existing patients. Using a good IT solution to schedule appointments will help you communicate to your patients exactly when to come and will also accommodate walk-ins in a much smoother way for even vacant slot as lost / not raise those. Smoother operations mean better patient experience, which no doubt is equal to higher revenues.

3. Network with professionals allied services
Not only network in your fraternity. Look for unexplored pastures. Comprehensive medical care to patients not only involves a doctor. It involves many more - pharmacists, physical therapists, assistants, pathologists and many others. Depending on your specialty, network with professionals in the medical services of allies and form a team. A team that is well networked with each other can support with references.

4. Become an offer point
In marketing campaigns offer. Create consumers for your service by offering something unique. They offer free check-up, offer to analyze the relationships, offer advice. In a health conscious environment that we currently offer better health. This will help people experience the professionalism and care given by your clinic and the doctors and will surely help you to remember your clinic at a time when needed.

5. Automate and have the central control
You need to be aware as how things work at every corner in your clinic. While the delegation is certainly important, but the central control is essential. Reports are that the best form of control cannot be physically present at all times, everywhere. Because you do not have a lot of time to the concerns of directors, you obtain an ongoing process to get that clinical and operational information in real time. Get an automation solution according to the needs of your clinic and train yourself to understand what's spell out numbers. It is an investment that really will help you to monitor, control and adjust your operations.

To start your marketing plan and include some of these tips to get the returns that you truly deserve for the time, investment and effort spent to make your practice a success.

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Independent laboratories have made a name and created a mark for themselves. Pathology is no longer a subset in a hospital. It is a huge task in itself generating significant revenues thanks to growing health awareness among the general population about the importance of routine health checks. From the smallest to the largest and most sophisticated centers, diseases across the country are playing a significant role in patient care decisions, as well as the commercial dynamics.

The key to having a well-kept and secure patient medical decisions at the right time and that today depends entirely on the test reports reaching your doctor as soon as possible. The writing on the wall is loud and clear - diseases with higher volume, higher efficiency and faster delivery of reports will earn at most. Not only money, but also a base trusted patient, which again it translates into money, of course. Each pathologist out there will manage the volume and efficiency, but what makes the difference is the fastest delivery report - the turnaround time (TAT). This factor has and will affect the way health dynamics work unimaginable.

They bring you 5 ideas to improve TAT and gain a competitive advantage on your side:

1. Double bench
The work space in pathology can have a central workbench dedicated to archiving of samples. Furthermore, delivered containing samples can be color-coded to identify whether it is a single sample or a shared. Both of these changes will help reduce wastage of time in searching for shared standards, which in turn will lead to an efficient use of manpower thus accelerate the entire process and positively influence TAT. Also, having a central automation system for your entire laboratory, can greatly improve the TAT.

2. Pre-analytical Check Point
A single point but extremely efficient pre-analytical control can be set up and made part of SOP's to be followed before the actual pathological test. This will greatly help to avoid wrong test results due to human error as well as help in reducing the time wasted on the wrong samples.

3. Auto validation
The list of tests that can be validated by virtue of the fact that they were carried out on well calibrated car automated tools should be on the upper side. More tests should be added to this list several times. Auto-approval helps to reduce dependency on a single pathologist or group of pathologists to validate each test performed on the disease which increases the time efficiency in reporting the test results.

4. Multitasking training for staff
If TAT is to be maintained, management of staff shortages from time to time needs to be addressed elegantly. Majority of staff training to perform tests of various sections in pathology would help to reduce overtime costs for the hospital as well as cover up for the shortage of staff efficiently.

5. Pneumatic tube system to sample transport
You cannot test a sample without obtaining a sample. The key factor in the pathology that Tat is the time spent in transport of samples from the bedside to the disease. Use of pneumatic tube systems for sample transport ensures safe and fast transportation of the samples. The fastest of the samples reach the technician will be the fastest delivery time.

There have been cases in which the physician consultants prefer to get tests done by a disease not related to the hospital simply because the reports are only 15 minutes faster. But 15 minutes compared to human health can be crucial to patient outcomes.

Always remember the higher volume, higher efficiency and faster delivery of reports. Delivery result is important but the timing is crucial, especially when it comes to health care. So improve your tattoo to improve your revenue.

All these measures can be quite simple when your lab is automated. The laboratory automation at the end of the day streamlines operations, removes inefficiencies and significantly improves TAT.


Each hospital has to face financial losses in some form or the other that is a cause for the loss of profitability and significant revenue. You already have enough to worry about on your plate ranging from competition to new trends worry too much about these process and system problems. But it can afford to ignore it?

We studied the common loss of revenue points to a hospital, and here we list the 7 ways to stop the loss of revenue from your hospital and make education of profit and loss seem more promising than ever:

1. Get your inventory systematized
Cannot we just refer to your main shop but secondary stores too much material wherever it is stored including pharmacy? A real systematic inventory can show a lot of trends and help you understand the use and waste much more clearly than the ambiguous answers your store in office or even the head of operations may give you. Get inventory from the main store and sub automated warehouses and ask your IT team for weekly reports.

2. Get a grip on your maintenance costs
Tighten the approvals of invoices and maintenance requests. Let's head of operations taking all approvals in writing with a reason if the maintenance is necessary in the first place. You will notice a significant dip in the bills early maintenance. Small drip it but continuous. Connect this will go a long way in education P & L.

3. Quantify the utilization rates of equipment
Make this one a quality indicator, not only in the OT or ICU but all diagnostic departments too. A lot of your investment has gone into the state-of-the-art. To the method of the respective departments may have followed a lot with you to get your approval to buy the equipment, now make them responsible for the ROI too. Reports on the rates of utilization of heavy equipment to make it compulsory. 80% of target use and make your department heads to work towards it.

4. Do not focus on elements in moving motion
Once your hospital is automated with a simple click of a button you can now know all about your stock movement. Make sure you get a report of the elements Non-movement; not only weekly but also monthly and accumulated as a report last 3 months before or six months. Obtain the movement of each analyzed element and taking a call on it. It needs to move around the hospital or needs to move inventory out of the hospital.

5. Welcomes the Non-Performers
Non-Performers are computer equipment, machinery or men you need to be identified, given the opportunity to perform and replaced in case of failures. No one comes to your hospital to work for free; you must pay a wage and salary that is money. Investing the right manpower and resources. Get your HR to design your evaluation system so that you are able to identify contributors and contributors incorrectly. Be prepared to make some difficult decisions from time to time.

6. Put a cork on petty theft in all shapes
The message should ring loud and clear in your hospital - is not allowed to take anything from the hospital for personal use, be it a paper clip or whole pad of cotton gauze. Theft does not happen in the form of money stolen from the finances or material stores in a hospital, it also happens in much smaller forms. The cumulative impact of this can actually be much more than financial theft or materials. Tighten the safety for the cutting of tampering. The infrastructure should have the lowest number of points of sale and your operations team must be trained extensively. Nothing works like the sense of properties added with a good deal of responsibility.

7. Set strict limits to your giving credit policy
If hospitals work on a pay and take the service model, giving credit become inevitable at times especially with patients from insurance, the TPA schemes and government to form a large chunk of your patient flow. Even while catering to patients from different layers of society credit becomes inevitable. Formulate a watertight policy on credit and make sure that your operations team follows him to the T. A deviation from this policy can cost a lot for a period of time.

All these measures can be quite simple if your hospital is automated. One screen at the end of the day can give you all the insights you need to stop leaks and manage smarter operations.

Monday 5 September 2016


Inspire your team to change habits to improve productivity and increase efficiency.

Hospitals and laboratories are so dependent on it and it still sometimes so defiant. This is the case with most of the health delivery organizations. While as a CXO, you are taking your hospital ahead with the acquisition of state-of-the-art technology and the latest software of HIS which are also struggling with a workforce that consists of a mix of high-tech generation savvy and non-tech friendly. This is one of the biggest challenges of technology that most hospitals are facing today.

While each hospital needs the experience of non-tech generation, it also needs the energy of the tech savvy work force.
Here is a list of practices you can take in your hospital and turn the tide in your favor.

1. Insist on internal collaboration tools
While communication on paper is comfortable, convenient and something everyone is so used to, it sends the message loud and clear in the organization that the management cares about the environment. Insist on the use of Instant Messenger (IM), email and Skype etc. for communication both internal and external.

2. Form groups with influencers
Use the complex mix of technology experts and tech afraid of the workforce to your advantage. Having a workforce with a mixed reaction to the technology means while some want to embrace the efficiency that it brings, others not. Form mixed groups of this mixed work force. Zero of an employee of tech-savvy in each group which is also popular with other employees. Train her to be the coach. Nothing is more effective than peer learning.

3. Keep it competitive
Nothing works like competition. Maintain the competitive learning environment; healthily. They have contests going on between the established groups or create a policy to reward employees when they come up with ideas to improve the use of an existing technology or an idea using the cost reduction technology. Public recognition is a great motivator. Just ensure that it is not always the tech savvy employee who wins. If that happens, the whole purpose of the endeavor will be defeated.

4. Make a Routine
Insist dominant use of it to the hospital and make it a routine. The training provided at the time of acquisition of a new technology / equipment or software should not be a one-time-deal. It should be a routine going with regular post-test training, verification of effectiveness of the training. Link post effective training for performance and in turn their evaluation. This causes a serious element to any initiative and make sure you get the most from your automation.

5. Train only for specific functional areas
Make sure you train your employees to achieve competence for their specific roles. Making everyone learn everything that is sure to discourage people from participating. computer courses for your employees should never include something they did not intend to use at work. For example, to ensure that the reception staff are trained on invoicing modules and patient registration. Even if you plan to train employees to multi-task, to train them on the relevant modules of the software.

6. Not make it optional
To make your employees is smart, the gold practice is never made optional the use of it. When given an option, humans always tend to choose something that is already in their comfort zone. Also, it gives a message to employees that management is flexible use of it in the hospital. Make mandatory system and not send the wrong message.

Use of it is the easiest way to take practical savings of time and most importantly to effectively fight against the deficit of skilled labor and efficient in the industry. Making your personal intelligent and will help to better streamline operations for improved revenues.


In the era of evidence-based medicine, laboratory reports are the backbone of any major or minor clinical decision. As any owner of the pathology laboratory, to improve laboratory performance and generate report error-riddled least is probably the highest on your list of priorities. As leading LIS software, work closely with different pathology laboratories and saw the confidences of challenges and worked with them to create solutions.

Working with several laboratories of pathology, we have analyzed the most common and often repeated patterns of errors in laboratory reports and list down 6 ways to get that perfect error free report here.

1. Using the identification bar code system
Using a laboratory information system (LIS), a unique bar code can be generated for each sample which will also include the patient's UHID. Just at the point of sample collection, bar code can be used on delivered containing the samples. This will avoid any kind of duplication or wrong sample, wrong test confusion. A sample of the right by the right patient during testing for the right tests will in all possibility of unforced errors, accurate report.

2. Integration device
Interconnect as many possible processes with LIS would mean that human intervention is reduced significantly; less human intervention, the greater the chance to avoid human intervention induced errors. The purpose of LIS is automating your laboratory as much as possible. Interlink and integrate laboratory devices as possible with your LIS.

3. Pre-analytical CheckPoint
A single point of pre-analytical control can be set up and made part of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be followed before the actual pathological test. This will greatly help to avoid wrong test results due to human error as well as help in reducing the time wasted on the wrong samples.

4. Have a calibration and maintenance program
When automating your lab and strongly depend on the equipment to give you completely free of error reports and maintain your turnaround time (TAT) is required to be close supervision according to the maintenance schedule and calibration of equipment. Only well-calibrated and maintained equipment will be possible to generate error free report 100% on a daily basis. You should also do some random checks IQ on equipment to ensure that the reports generated from it are accurate.

5. Login rigorous use
Only authorized personnel should finally allow the test result. Using logon account of another staff to an unauthorized person must be closely monitored and should not be entertained. When an SR technologist. authorizes a test report by a specified access to a pathologist would certainly reduce the workload of the pathologist but the technologist cannot read the report as the pathologist it would, perhaps loses on an important finding that can make a significant difference in the treatment the patient or early detection of an important clinical condition.

6. Automate the generation of Report
More often than not, it's not the wrong testing procedure or wrong sample which results in a bad relationship; but it is a simple typo. While automating your lab, ensure that the equipment is programmed to generate standard laboratory report format reports. This will help eliminate the role of the typist from the process, which in turn will eliminate all the typos. This, too, will play a significant role in reducing labor costs.

These tips are focused on using technology to deliver that perfect error free report because while focusing on quality relationships you cannot forget your tattoo. Timely and error free reports are key to the laboratory edging out the competition successfully.

Saturday 3 September 2016


Among the many things you do in your own laboratory there are many who do not. In this post, we list down 6 things that are making the most of the wrong laboratories. Read on and see if you want to eliminate any from your:

1. Not having a calibration program and rigorous maintenance
Laboratories dealing with high-end equipment and will have to undergo calibration and maintenance. More so, in an automated laboratory, well-calibrated equipment is a must for error free results. These maintenance and calibration costs are a huge chunk of your cost of operations. Keep the processes in place for periodic inspections of your equipment; this will help you avoid large maintenance costs and larger. Get your laboratory manager / head to keep an eye on the end dates of the maintenance and calibration contracts. Enter into contracts AMC; a maintenance work here and there each day cumulatively will cost much more than an AMC.

2. Ignoring petty theft
Petty theft does not happen in the form of accounting materials or missing from the stores, it also happens in much smaller forms. The cumulative impact of this can actually be much more than financial theft or materials. Tighten security; the infrastructure should have at least the number of sockets and the operations team should be doing extensive training. Nothing works like the sense of belonging.

3. Multi lack of training of staff
Staff shortages from time to time need to be addressed in an intelligent way. Majority of staff training to perform tests of various sections in pathology would help to reduce overtime costs for the laboratory as well as cover up for the shortage of staff efficiently. This is also in effect keeps your move freely during attrition as qualified multi organic activities can continue to work until you find suitable replacement.

4. Do not use your LIS completely
He had contemplated the use of all the functionality of the software before buying the laboratory information system. You may also have had the provider to add some of your lab, but the operations of the team in May ended up only using the data storage and search / find feature of the LIS. The software is custom designed for your laboratory so that every available feature is used and makes the process efficient, affordable and patient centric. Make sure the software is used in an effective and manual intervention is not recommended.

5. Not having a pre-analytical point of control
A pre-efficient analytical checkpoint is a very important intersection before the actual pathological test. It will mean an additional manpower do nothing but control of what the sample collection counter assigned for laboratory sections to test, but this will greatly help in avoiding the wrong test results due to human error as well as help in reducing the time wasted on the wrong samples.

6. Not having a color-coded identification of the samples
Vacationers containing samples can be color-coded to identify whether it is a single sample or shared. This will help reduce wastage of time in searching for shared standards, which in turn will lead to an efficient use of manpower thus accelerate the entire process and positively influence TAT.

The acquisition of LIS software is not enough; make sure that the entire team uses the software efficiently so you can take advantage of automation.

Friday 2 September 2016


Use these simple marketing tips, convenient for your hospital to make it the preferred choice for patients.

Hospital marketing is challenging to say the least. Really you cannot inspire people to come and visit a hospital. You know you will not. However, you need to increase your patient base to do justice to all the investments that have been your hospital and subtly marketing your brand is the key. We share with you some tips that will help you create brand awareness with minimal investment.

8 thin tips marketing to create awareness about your brand hospital.

1. Get a site Responsive
The first thing most prospective patients will try to do is go through your website (until and unless it is an emergency and your hospital seems to be the closest) and Discover as much about the hospital as possible online. So do not just build a website that contains information about your hospital and your team, but focus on giving patients health information to take better care of themselves and their family. Good idea would be to talk about preventive care.

2. Make good use of Social Media
The world is on social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and the like are the virtual places where you can reach to create brand awareness with potential customers, as well as get good talent. Appearing on the social news feed often go a long way to keep you in the minds of users. And people remember tips and their origin.

3. Do not underestimate the power of SEO
You know your potential consumer is about to hit Google, right? When your potential patient research for better health care practice you want your site pop-up hospital on the first page. That's what makes search engine optimization (SEO). Get your web developer and content editor to focus on SEO keywords. Hiring an SEO consultant, you do not need a full-time employee on its payroll for this.

4. Emphasize the internal marketing too
That’s Right. Each employee of your hospital is your spokesperson. Get the HR head to make the employee experience at your local big hospital and get them talking good things about their hospital.

5. Give the patient a chance to say Wow
Branding is not what you say to customers, which is what they tell each other about you. Improving care for the patient, and they are sure to remember for a long time. Give them care and attention and will speak for you. Get your head of operations to work to give the patient an exceptional experience. Nothing works better than word of mouth.

6. Shoot Email
The emails are effective. Get your IT team to maintain a subscriber email list and share useful information email based on the patient's disease. It tells to the patients that you take care of them, even after leaving your hospital. Maintain communication with useful information, useful and high value is key to building a brand of good hospital.

7. Showcase
Get your good work out there as witnesses, videos, patient stories etc. Post on your Web site, send and re-post on social media, display on the liquid crystal display in the waiting areas of the hospital. breaking speak through treatments in interviews, conferences and public forums.

8. Automate tasks
The patient and the family is already stressed when they are in a hospital. Make them simple and easy experience using a hospital information system (HIS) reliable. This will make a world of difference in the experience since the inclusion of the patient discharge.

Thursday 1 September 2016


Laboratories have come a long way from being hidden in the corner of a hospital or of being dependent on a couple of professionals for their survival. Laboratories are now considered to be centers of excellence and one of the major income sources.

With the emergence of evidence-based medicine, the importance of accurate diagnostic results in patient care is critical resulting in increased pressure on labs to perform efficiently.

It is a well known fact that substituting human activities with technology improves performance significantly especially in the healthcare area and is responsible for fast gaining popularity of Information Systems Laboratory (LIS).

Here we examine the 9 major advantages of the laboratory information system:

Samples in real-time track
The management of the sample in the laboratory workflow Information Systems (LIS) automates the example of the management process, as soon as the sample is collected and barcode, allowing the engineer to track samples in real time.

Save time
One of the processes that requires more time is the sample transfer that involves recording samples to be sent from the collection and re-registration of reception center at the processing center. A strong system of laboratory information will have a single example based on batch sheet model, in which a single bar code is assigned to an entire batch of samples transferred to the center of the detection processing.

Focus on the critical relationships
The pathologists and medical approval reports can save time with a unique self-authorization feature that automatically approves report with normal values. Only the reports that have abnormal values ​​are sent to the doctor's permission, saving time and significant work load.

Efficient logistics management
The efficient logistics management in LIS solution assigns bar codes unique to each sample and informs the processing centers as soon as the samples are recorded at the collection center, which allows you to allocate resources even before the samples, reagents and material from reaching the center of processing.

Eliminate human error
Laboratories exponentially can improve efficiency by integrating laboratory equipment and devices on a single, secure platform. This allows data to be transferred automatically from the device to the lab information system, eliminating laborious manual effort, saving time and reducing human error.

Save lives
Every minute counts when it comes to managing the test reports indicating the values ​​that represent a threat to the patient's life. A good LIS includes a unique solution panic alarm that allows the system to send an automatic alert to the referring physician. This allows the doctor to intervene immediately on their critically ill patients, who serves as a rescue operation.

Increase revenue
Powerful dashboard MIS achieve financial, operational, inventory, test and laboratory based on reports available in custom sizes. An effective laboratory information system helps the laboratory data mine owners, crunch numbers, create trends and projections to monitor metrics, and maximizing revenue.\

Petty theft and end wasteful spending
Advanced inventory module automates purchase through expiration alerts and predictive reorganization. This will help stop tampering, eliminate waste and unnecessary costs.

Business scale quickly
The lab business growth becomes simple with laboratory information systems (LIS). With Cloud-based LIS, collection of open and machining centers becomes easy, taking only a few hours, when the master data is available. Laboratory owners can manage all centers on a single secure platform while working independently.

And whether free error reports; quicker results, better lab management and utility of consumables, the benefits of the laboratory information system cannot be overstated. Embrace the LIS to expand your business, process the samples and increase your revenue dramatically.

Monday 29 August 2016


It is important to evaluate and understand the benefits of the information system of hospital management (HMI) and pit them against the needs of your hospital, when trying to understand why you need a HMI implemented in your hospital.

Here we list some of the unique advantages of HMI and impact of hospital processes. Pit them against your needs and see if they fit:

1. Easy access to patient data
HMI A well-implemented means patient data readily available to care providers. It's just a matter of a few clicks and all the necessary information on a patient, the different departments in the hospital, may be available on the screen. If the treating physician should re-check the test reports of a patient, it needs not to look for the IPD file of the patient floor; accessing the HMI will give you instant access to these reports and timely treatment decisions ensue. If the HMI is implemented, your doctor will be able to access reports remotely improving productivity.

2. Cost Effective
HMI cuts out a lot of manual work that are performed in hospitals primarily documentation and record keeping. The level of human intervention is very low with a well implemented HMI. It helps to reduce labor costs down because a lot of work gets automated and requires manual intervention to store or analyze information. HMI also saves a lot on the deposit and related costs. HMI well implemented make it virtually a free hospital card. (Only the legally required documents must be kept on paper to adhere to the rules).

3. Loss of revenue of thorns
Because the processes are automated on the HMI and a lot of activities are assigned to the software must be executed with extreme precision, with minimal human intervention, the scope of the error is drastically reduced. For example, while a patient IDP used for billing consumables, with her the bill can hardly go wrong because the consumables used immediately concluded the nurse the patient's terminal ID. For the consumable rate unit is already stored in the software as part of the standard operating procedure automation; simply by selecting the name of binding and the amount will allow the software to accurately calculate the amount due.

4. Increased security data & recover-ability
Record keeping in hospitals is a mandatory poison with two challenges: keeping your data secure with only authorized to gain access to it and retrieve it within the minimum time possible. Add to these perennial problems such as lack of space, protection from natural elements and protection from the damage of pests etc.

When HMI is implemented in a hospital, all data is stored on the server or in the Cloud. Because HMI works on access, data security is not a problem, provided that the staff keep the secret and secure password. Logins occur only when connected to the login, which has the rights of access, anyone will be able to access the data, ensuring data security. Recover-capacity data stored on a server or Cloud is just a matter of few clicks.

5. Improving operational efficiency
Improving access to patient data and better work efficiency means faster and better clinical decisions. In this age of evidence-based medicine, the faster the clinician obtains the diagnostic reports and the faster his orders are implemented patient recovery is faster and better for the care of the index patient. With Automation, all departments in hospitals are connected to each other and fast information access further improves the quality of patient care and the resulting turnover in the hospital bed.

6. Responsibility

HMI comes with the logins. The accesses are as individual blocks of which the key is alphanumeric with special characters. Every employee needs to work on HMI is given individual access with access controls. Each activity takes place through only access. HMI gives the kind of responsibility that manual processes can never give. With an audit trail, HMI allows any business to go back to the employee who performed.

Wednesday 17 August 2016


Cracking the code to access and save the heart of medical care Medical records are arguably the lifelines of medical attention right away. Not enough for them to treat the patient properly and follow-up well, but also to ensure that documented and have a record.

These are not only a requirement of the process of paperwork; They are also legal documents and have come a long way, from being mere bundles of files in an important requirement medico legal environment.

Change the stature of patient records in the system has led to many strategies developed to ensure the monitoring and maintenance of patient records of old and new patients effectively.

Here we list for you some foolproof and effective ways to do the same to your clinic.

1. Unique clinic ID (UCID)

UCID is a numeric or alphanumeric unique code generated by the clinic management software for each new patient at the clinic. The software can be customized to generate such an ID ensuring every patient's records going forward is stored under this ID. Being a unique code, that this is not assigned to any other patient ever and this code becomes equivalent to a patient's personal locker in the software. To access records of any patient at any time regardless of how old or new patient is, all you need is the UCID rights and access and login and behold, all relevant information will be displayed on the screen.

2. Carefully integrate and completely

While the clinical management software can be customized to create a UCID for each new patient, old patient records must be integrated into the system during the software implementation. This is the reason why integration is an important factor to consider when purchasing software for the clinical management because it can not, in any way, afford to lose the medical record of your old patients. They need to be manually or otherwise digitized and saved on the server, to be read in exactly the same way as new ones.

3. Records only through EMR

Stop the physical recording option of patient records to your clinic. Registration in the software into use the EMR module of the software and with only one size of available patient records, patient monitoring, and maintenance is easy. Whether to keep doctors and EMR records manually run both parallel to each other to your clinic, patient records can not be maintained effectively and monitor or access will never be easy or complete.

4. Patient records on Cloud is better

In the battle between the servers in-house vs. cloud-based server as far as clinical and their access is concerned that cloud-based servers will win hands down. The in-house server may be down for maintenance or due to some technical problem and in the down-time, no patient records can be read or recorded; while on cloud-based servers, continuity in the detection and maintain patient records is a key feature. Using cloud-based server is a better option to effectively track and maintain patient records.

While there are many other ways to effectively manage and track patient records of old and new patients to your clinic, these 4 strategies addressing the most relevant issues - maintenance and easy access to patient records.