Saturday 3 September 2016


Among the many things you do in your own laboratory there are many who do not. In this post, we list down 6 things that are making the most of the wrong laboratories. Read on and see if you want to eliminate any from your:

1. Not having a calibration program and rigorous maintenance
Laboratories dealing with high-end equipment and will have to undergo calibration and maintenance. More so, in an automated laboratory, well-calibrated equipment is a must for error free results. These maintenance and calibration costs are a huge chunk of your cost of operations. Keep the processes in place for periodic inspections of your equipment; this will help you avoid large maintenance costs and larger. Get your laboratory manager / head to keep an eye on the end dates of the maintenance and calibration contracts. Enter into contracts AMC; a maintenance work here and there each day cumulatively will cost much more than an AMC.

2. Ignoring petty theft
Petty theft does not happen in the form of accounting materials or missing from the stores, it also happens in much smaller forms. The cumulative impact of this can actually be much more than financial theft or materials. Tighten security; the infrastructure should have at least the number of sockets and the operations team should be doing extensive training. Nothing works like the sense of belonging.

3. Multi lack of training of staff
Staff shortages from time to time need to be addressed in an intelligent way. Majority of staff training to perform tests of various sections in pathology would help to reduce overtime costs for the laboratory as well as cover up for the shortage of staff efficiently. This is also in effect keeps your move freely during attrition as qualified multi organic activities can continue to work until you find suitable replacement.

4. Do not use your LIS completely
He had contemplated the use of all the functionality of the software before buying the laboratory information system. You may also have had the provider to add some of your lab, but the operations of the team in May ended up only using the data storage and search / find feature of the LIS. The software is custom designed for your laboratory so that every available feature is used and makes the process efficient, affordable and patient centric. Make sure the software is used in an effective and manual intervention is not recommended.

5. Not having a pre-analytical point of control
A pre-efficient analytical checkpoint is a very important intersection before the actual pathological test. It will mean an additional manpower do nothing but control of what the sample collection counter assigned for laboratory sections to test, but this will greatly help in avoiding the wrong test results due to human error as well as help in reducing the time wasted on the wrong samples.

6. Not having a color-coded identification of the samples
Vacationers containing samples can be color-coded to identify whether it is a single sample or shared. This will help reduce wastage of time in searching for shared standards, which in turn will lead to an efficient use of manpower thus accelerate the entire process and positively influence TAT.

The acquisition of LIS software is not enough; make sure that the entire team uses the software efficiently so you can take advantage of automation.

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