Thursday 28 July 2016


Automate your clinic by implementing an efficient pharmacy management system is undoubtedly the first step towards building a clinic but it is a complete success?

Unquestionably, they and other clinicians at the clinic are the most important reason why the clinic will succeed but you will agree that medical care is not only about the clinical and procedures; drug is an integral part of the equation. Traditionally, the clinician should diagnose and prescribe medications, which are purchased by the patient to his favorite pharmacy.

With software that allows integration of the pharmacy with the operations of the clinic, the drug can be made an integral part of patient care.
Here we take a look at the 5 most important reasons why integrating your pharmacy with the pharmacy management system is a good idea:

1. Reduce risks while prescription
Integrating your pharmacy with the pharmacy management system at the clinic means you can choose and change the law prescribing the point of care, which means lowered risk and effective medical care. It is a process seamless, which has the entire inventory of your pharmacy available to you on your screen. If in doubt about prescribing a certain drug, after confirming the sensitivity and allergies with the patient, with a few clicks you can easily see if it's a high-risk medication or may have any reaction with any of the counter drugs that the patient is currently in.

2. Easy access to the drug patient information
Because you are a clinic and not a hospital, most of the medication history will not be available in your software, as they are not administered within your premises. Integrate your pharmacy with the pharmacy management system will provide clinicians with the story of the patient's medication with all the above requirements, allergies, drug reactions, drug related complaints etc., Thus facilitating better medical decisions.

3. Facilitates online prescriptions
Integration between the pharmacy and the pharmacy management system: better communication between the doctor and the pharmacy. The clinician can simply select the drugs, which wants the patient to take, starting from the module pharmacy and will be in place an online prescription. Once the clinician has the prescription, the pharmacy will receive the order setting in motion their work even before the patient reaches the pharmacy counter. Communication is clear and immediate, without confusion handwriting.

4. Easy on the patient
When the patient gets out of the consulting room to the pharmacy counter, the pharmacy is already aware of his order and most likely kept ready. All he has to do is pay for medications, compare them with the prescription and pick up the package on foot out of the clinic. This is not to find a pharmacy nearby or find a pharmacy where all prescribed medications will be available. This will go a long way in the top rankings of the index patient satisfaction.

5. Increase in revenue
In a conventional configuration, after the doctor prescribes medication is the discretion of the patient - whether to buy, what to buy and where to buy from? Integrated management system of pharmacy practice and mean that it is a complete system and loss of revenue due to the patient's medical purchasing behavior will stop. Increased patient satisfaction because of this hassle free system will also mean better revenue.

While the pharmacy module for pharmacy management software integration process does not require high investments or technical problems, the benefits it brings along is worth the small effort it takes. Looking at these benefits is surely an addition that will be happy to do as a doctor who wants to offer the best care for his patients.

Saturday 23 July 2016


A powerful online Hospital Information Management Software is loaded with several modules having various characteristics that are of most useful to a hospital like front desk management, queue & appointment, pathology, pharmacy, radiology, accounts, finance, inventory, HR & payroll, ambulance management, etc. The advanced online HMS is capable to manage all the three departments i.e., administration, doctors (physicians) and patients easily. Some of the crucial modules of a HIMS:

* Registration and Inquiry Management

* Appointment & Queue Management

* Casualty & Emergency Management

* In-patient Admission-Discharge-Transfer(ADT) Management

* Pharmacy Management

* Nursing and Ward Management

* Blood Bank Management

* Laboratory Information System (LIS)

* Radiology Information System 

The major goals of a Hospital InformationManagement Software are effective management of the day-to-day functions of a Hospital , improved administration, enhance the patient care, improve the work efficiency, regulate the accounts, billing & finance, and offer superior services to the patients within a limited time frame.

It makes the patients information available and accessible online for the physicians. The software creates and manages appointment with patient, prescription for patient, provides medication for patients , checks bed allotment for patient. It can manage patient registration, doctor account, nurse account, pharmacist account, laboratory, accountant, patient payment , bed, blood bank report , pharmacy status, ward, cabin status , etc.  

Thursday 21 July 2016


These days, in this competitive world, it has become very necessary to make major changes on how a hospital manages resources. Above all, doctors in hospitals have a requirement of effective hospital management system to meet their needs. It allows all hospital employees manage their daily planning activities very efficiently and in a more synchronized way. It can be developed for single user or multiple users in a shared network environment and usually comes up with useful resources to offer comprehensive healthcare solution.

One of the advantages of this application is that it provides an adequate cure, timely and effective for patients since the workflow is structured and simple. The hospital software is suitable for all specialist hospitals, multispeciality, nursing home and other medical centers to set up the software for their needs. Better management of the hospital has accomplished in the last analysis, where all functions are executed efficiently and quickly without any difficulty.

Daily activities such as storing and accessing data, appointments, queue management, maintain patient records, pharmacy are updated and so on can be monitored and managed very effectively. The everyday transactions are managed efficiently assisting the account receivable operate such that all billing can be made more quickly. It also allows you to manage employee payroll that could save your time and energy.

The management system is very simple to use and consists of laboratory, pharmacy, EMR, OPD, billing, inpatient, outpatient, warehouse and other modules so that it is easier to access any information and without spending more time. Using this application will allow doctors to do their daily practices in a more updated and do in Casino free, paperless and timely.

The use and importance of this system are extremely increased as patients are always the most appropriate care when doctors use this type of management system & hospital information. Since then, it enables physicians to complete tasks in a short period so that they could see patients and can get several times to complete other important tasks of a hospital. To determine if you are using the right hospital management system that can be run efficiently your hospital.

The system can quickly access the information with a better quality of documentation, but also offers a better interaction, economic capacity, reduce errors, to keep track of patient records, scheduling capabilities and hire employees, etc. This then just leaves the hospital management a long time in hand personally address other crucial issues of the hospital as it comes with each patient and improving the quality of patient care.

Tuesday 19 July 2016


An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate Back-Office functions. An ERP Software integrates all facts of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing.
The ERP trend can be slow to change, but the last few years have seen a fundamental shift in this area. They are now hit by the SMAC revolution and so there is now – the Mobile ERP, Cloud ERP, Sociable ERP and Two Tier ERP.
In fact ERP Vendors are themselves categorized as Large Enterprise ERP (ERP Tier I), Mid-Market ERP (ERP Tier II), and Small Business ERP (ERP Tier III).
Benefits that the ERP brings are multi-fold for any Organization, below are to mention a few:
• Scalability: An ERP application is easily scalable. With multi center hospitals being the trend across healthcare in emerging markets, it has to be kept in mind as to how easily the application can scale with the increase in additional centers, users, departments, processes, equipment integrations and so on.
• Improved Reporting: A lot of inefficiency in operational and clinical processes stems from the lack of quality reporting. With an ERP system in place, the risk is eliminated as data flows in a seamless fashion across various departments and hence the availability of improved analytics.
• Data Quality: Gone are the days of manual record keeping, as today quality departments are expected to capture a plethora of data ranging from quality indicators to statistical information of various permutations and combinations for clinical, operational and financial processes. With the emergence of quality accreditation boards and healthcare providers scrambling to get the certifications it is inevitable to produce qualitative and quantitative data.
• Lower cost of operations: The ERP brings about structural changes in processes due to better resource utilization and it eliminates manual work flows and processes. This leads to significant indirect and direct cost savings.
• Better Patient Management: With data being made available in the electronic form the patient’s overall experience with the hospital is enhanced. There is lesser waiting time, whether it is to collect medications, reports or for a doctor consultation, effective doctor-patient interaction, options for the patient to receive alerts via an SMS or an alert and various other advantages.
• Business Analytics: Analytics enable the management to make better informed decisions.
• Improved Data Security and Accessibility: with advanced user management features and access controls there is improved data security and real time accessibility of data.
• Better Supply Chain: Having the correct ERP in place improves procurement, inventory, demand forecasting and stock management.
• Regulatory Compliance: Having an ERP enables the organization to better comply with regulations.
• Reduced Complexity: The introduction of an ERP is an elegant way to cut back the complexity of a business and introduce neatly designed work-flows.

Monday 18 July 2016


With increasing burden of lifestyle-related diseases, increase in the number of cities that have more than 1 million populations, increasing purchasing power and awareness and the government has taken steps to simplify customized information such as UID for residents, information acquisition, storage and Regulation, the use and recovery would become a priority for the health sector.

Compared to the last decade it has been observed that the hospital owners and entrepreneurs have recognized and stressed the need for the information appropriate hospital management. However the average IT spending remains low. The question of the Commonwealth of hospitals is software that optimizes productivity, obtains information according to the hospital company's needs and provides a framework for management to use information to make decisions.

However, top management must take measures to ensure that the software for the hospital is chosen carefully. This is the first step, but it was the second and most important is to ensure the adoption and use of the software to get the most benefit.

The software does not automatically result in the desired outcome. Rather it is a means to achieve the highest productivity. When the hospital information system is procured, it becomes important to be part of the hospital to follow certain steps as follows.

1. Select a management representative who remains as a point of contact between the decision makers and the software vendor and service providers.

2. Adopting and installing the software is a grueling process for the software vendor, and the implementation team needs different types of aid as keeping the required hardware up and running for the process, mental preparation of end-users to be ready for implementation, and basic understanding using the software and if problems arise then redressed.

It is often noticed that, the hospital owners adopt software, to bring the processes and the podium to standard practice systems, but due to gaps in the same system adequate action on the part of hospital is not there to help the implementation team. The first most critical phase is the implementation phase which is the best time to the hospital to get the maximum benefit from the use of the software, such as the implementation team is present at the site. During the implementation phase, a diligent approach taken by the hospital side and keenness shown by the employees can bring a significant positive change in the environment of the hospital management.
    Gradual implementation of the software has its benefit in terms of better understanding the software and usage. At the same time it helps to link switch over from a manual system for the use of the new software or from previous software to the new software effective
    Documentation using the software and using the same process for each hospital environment gives room to address the qualitative and evidence-based practices.

Now when you see how important are the management of information in the environment inside the hospital and at the same time there are external changes in national and local stages to indicate a positive change for the management of information, every hospital and healthcare organization would need systems and this information would create a need for effective hospital information systems make managing information better.