Tuesday 19 July 2016


An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate Back-Office functions. An ERP Software integrates all facts of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing.
The ERP trend can be slow to change, but the last few years have seen a fundamental shift in this area. They are now hit by the SMAC revolution and so there is now – the Mobile ERP, Cloud ERP, Sociable ERP and Two Tier ERP.
In fact ERP Vendors are themselves categorized as Large Enterprise ERP (ERP Tier I), Mid-Market ERP (ERP Tier II), and Small Business ERP (ERP Tier III).
Benefits that the ERP brings are multi-fold for any Organization, below are to mention a few:
• Scalability: An ERP application is easily scalable. With multi center hospitals being the trend across healthcare in emerging markets, it has to be kept in mind as to how easily the application can scale with the increase in additional centers, users, departments, processes, equipment integrations and so on.
• Improved Reporting: A lot of inefficiency in operational and clinical processes stems from the lack of quality reporting. With an ERP system in place, the risk is eliminated as data flows in a seamless fashion across various departments and hence the availability of improved analytics.
• Data Quality: Gone are the days of manual record keeping, as today quality departments are expected to capture a plethora of data ranging from quality indicators to statistical information of various permutations and combinations for clinical, operational and financial processes. With the emergence of quality accreditation boards and healthcare providers scrambling to get the certifications it is inevitable to produce qualitative and quantitative data.
• Lower cost of operations: The ERP brings about structural changes in processes due to better resource utilization and it eliminates manual work flows and processes. This leads to significant indirect and direct cost savings.
• Better Patient Management: With data being made available in the electronic form the patient’s overall experience with the hospital is enhanced. There is lesser waiting time, whether it is to collect medications, reports or for a doctor consultation, effective doctor-patient interaction, options for the patient to receive alerts via an SMS or an alert and various other advantages.
• Business Analytics: Analytics enable the management to make better informed decisions.
• Improved Data Security and Accessibility: with advanced user management features and access controls there is improved data security and real time accessibility of data.
• Better Supply Chain: Having the correct ERP in place improves procurement, inventory, demand forecasting and stock management.
• Regulatory Compliance: Having an ERP enables the organization to better comply with regulations.
• Reduced Complexity: The introduction of an ERP is an elegant way to cut back the complexity of a business and introduce neatly designed work-flows.

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