Monday 18 July 2016


With increasing burden of lifestyle-related diseases, increase in the number of cities that have more than 1 million populations, increasing purchasing power and awareness and the government has taken steps to simplify customized information such as UID for residents, information acquisition, storage and Regulation, the use and recovery would become a priority for the health sector.

Compared to the last decade it has been observed that the hospital owners and entrepreneurs have recognized and stressed the need for the information appropriate hospital management. However the average IT spending remains low. The question of the Commonwealth of hospitals is software that optimizes productivity, obtains information according to the hospital company's needs and provides a framework for management to use information to make decisions.

However, top management must take measures to ensure that the software for the hospital is chosen carefully. This is the first step, but it was the second and most important is to ensure the adoption and use of the software to get the most benefit.

The software does not automatically result in the desired outcome. Rather it is a means to achieve the highest productivity. When the hospital information system is procured, it becomes important to be part of the hospital to follow certain steps as follows.

1. Select a management representative who remains as a point of contact between the decision makers and the software vendor and service providers.

2. Adopting and installing the software is a grueling process for the software vendor, and the implementation team needs different types of aid as keeping the required hardware up and running for the process, mental preparation of end-users to be ready for implementation, and basic understanding using the software and if problems arise then redressed.

It is often noticed that, the hospital owners adopt software, to bring the processes and the podium to standard practice systems, but due to gaps in the same system adequate action on the part of hospital is not there to help the implementation team. The first most critical phase is the implementation phase which is the best time to the hospital to get the maximum benefit from the use of the software, such as the implementation team is present at the site. During the implementation phase, a diligent approach taken by the hospital side and keenness shown by the employees can bring a significant positive change in the environment of the hospital management.
    Gradual implementation of the software has its benefit in terms of better understanding the software and usage. At the same time it helps to link switch over from a manual system for the use of the new software or from previous software to the new software effective
    Documentation using the software and using the same process for each hospital environment gives room to address the qualitative and evidence-based practices.

Now when you see how important are the management of information in the environment inside the hospital and at the same time there are external changes in national and local stages to indicate a positive change for the management of information, every hospital and healthcare organization would need systems and this information would create a need for effective hospital information systems make managing information better.

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